Are you seeing a few more hairs than usual in your bathroom sink or hairbrush? Does your hair seem thinner than it has always been? Even though everyone hates to admit that they may be suffering from abnormal hair loss, it happens to thousands of people every day. We all think of thinning hair and baldness being the norm for older males, but women are being faced with it, too. In some cases, age isn’t even to blame. Instead, hair loss can be caused by disease and the treatments for the disease, poor nutrition caused by diets low in protein and iron, overuse of chemicals on the hair, and hormonal changes, such as pregnancy. The causes of hair loss vary from person to person.
We’re all familiar with the fact that chemotherapy and radiation treatments for various types of cancer promote massive hair loss. Although many people feel self-conscious about their baldness, they have come up with many different ways to camouflage the effect in order to live with it. These ways include using wigs, which can often be obtained without cost from the American Cancer Society, and a variety of hats and scarves. The good thing about this type of hair loss is that once the treatments have been completed, the hair will grow back. It may even grow back thicker, a darker color, or curly.

Poor diets are often the cause of hair loss. Your hair and its follicles need proper nutrition just like the rest of your body does. If you go on a fad diet, for instance, where you aren’t giving your body the nutrients it needs, different parts of you are going to suffer. If you suffer from an eating disorder, a hair loss may accompany the other negative symptoms. Anemia is another nutrient-deficient condition that can trigger the loss of hair. Anemia is often linked to strict vegetarian practices. Although the loss of 50 to 100 hairs per day is considered normal, poor nutrition can cause a much greater loss. The condition can be reversed by adding the proper nutrients to your diet.
Some people find that if they use an excessive amount of chemicals on their hair, such as from coloring and perming, they may suffer from excessive hair loss. This is a condition that is only temporary, though, and if you change your hair habits, your natural crop of hair should grow back in. An additional cause of temporary hair loss can be from hormonal changes that occur following childbirth. Once again, don’t panic, because your hair will return to normal in a few months.