The word laser means “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. Treatments that provide laser therapies are leimo laser comb treatmenttypically used to get rid of cauterized blood vessels. This is in fact used by many proficient eye surgeons in their surgeries used in removing cataracts and correcting eyesight. Today, laser has been currently utilized in the treatment of hair thinning and hair loss in both men and women, particularly with androgenic alopecia or DHT-related hair loss. There are several companies that fabricate a device that supplies low level laser therapy like the laser comb. In the early years, afflicted people with hair loss can only get laser treatments in hair care clinics and salons which can cost them $5000 for a 6 to 12 month course of therapy. Many people cannot certainly afford to have this type of treatment as it also requires constant visit to a hair clinic.
A laser comb treatment on the other hand is a very beneficial and yet accurate way to stop baldness, which works as equally as of the laser treatments you get from hair clinics and salons plus it comes with a very reasonable price tag and thus can last for fifteen (15) years. Brands like Dermaray, Viatek, Hairmax, Leimo, and Lasertron are offering devices that specifically provide low level laser therapy (LLLT) to halt further hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth. Experts say that these devices are best used with topical serums that consist of natural ingredients in inhibiting DHT production in the scalp. Leimo is offering both, the natural topical serum and the laser device.
The Leimo personal hair laser device is clinically proven to significantly improve limp and thinning hair, making it thicker, stronger, and healthier by supplying low level laser therapy that efficiently increases blood flow to the hair follicles, making the follicles to capably accumulate more essential nutrients to produce more healthy thick hair. In a very precise manner, the Leimo laser device is known for its ability to revive hair through the process of photo-biostimulation. Photo-biostimulation is similar to the process of photosynthesis, whereby living plants convert energy to chemical forms of energy for food and growth. It is similar as the laser lights penetrate deeply into soft tissues and increase the action of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a molecule that mainly carries energy from one reaction to another in all cells which enhances the energy available to cells in order to absorb more nutrients and dump waste products. Aside from low level laser therapy, the Leimo laser also provides LEDT or Light Emitting Diode Therapy which involves the application of non coherent low power monochromatic light to injured lesions to stimulate self-healing by the human body. LEDT is famously known in promoting wound healing and human tissue growth which makes a laser comb treatment complete and beneficial.