When it comes to taking care of our bodies we've found a way to combine good nutrition with diet in order to positively and profoundly impact our health. But when it comes
to keeping our hair healthy and looking great, many of us are still missing the boat. In order to have the luxurious hair we've always dreamed of it is necessary to first
understand what kind of hair we already have; that information can help us find the hair care product that best suits our needs so that we can have terrific hair before we
know it!
Do you have thick hair? Thin hair? Curly hair? Straight hair? Oily hair? Dry hair? Short hair? Long hair? You must first identify and define your hair before you can treat
it properly. There are literally thousands of hair care product on the market today and sifting through them means first eliminating those that will not work. You have to
stay true to your hair; buying a gel that's all the rage does little good if it has high alcohol content and you already have dry hair. Look for products that work with
your hair rather than against it.
For instance, right in your local drugstore, you will undoubtedly find a serum hair care product to treat frizzy hair right out of shower; a thickening shampoo for to treat
thinning hair; and conditioner for every condition of hair.
But aside from acting as a first line of response for hair care treatment, a hair care product should make your hair look great. From gels and mousse, to relaxers and curl
enhancers; everything you may have ever wanted to do to your hair can be achieved with the use of one or several products on the market today.
You can always find a professional hair care product at high-end salons. And in some cases, your hair stylist may recommend that you use a specific product in order to
correct some damage or enhance a particular style. Just keep in mind that the salon products are quite a bit more money than the product line in your local drug store. That
being said, if the product makes a difference and helps you love your hair, it's worth every penny.
Once you find the perfect hair care product for your hair and your lifestyle, use it consistently. You will soon find that you have finally gotten the hair you've always
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hair Care and Dandruff Treatment with Ayurveda
Hair is the crowning glory of the body, and at the same time it is an indicator of the body's overall health. Shiny, lustrous hair that are strong at the roots means that
the person is healthy; while discolored, dull hair with split or weak ends indicate an internal disorder with the body. Hair itself is made of a protein called as keratin.
It grows from pockets within the scalp of the head, known as follicles.
Though hair is a non-living part of the human body (at least because it has no nerves in it), it needs to be taken great care of. We already know how much care people are
already taking of their hair. Even if you put your television on for half an hour, chances are that you will come across ten advertisements flaunting their hair-care
products. But do these products really work?
In this article, some Ayurvedic herbal techniques of hair care are explained. The common problems with hair are falling hair, dull hair and dandruff. Let us see some simple
methods of treating these problems.
Vitamin C is considered to be the best nutrient for the health of hair. That is why the best herb for hair is the Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), which is
traditionally known as amalaki. Almost all Ayurvedic therapies for solving hair problems use amalaki in some form or the other.
(1) Treatments for Falling Hair
Hair may begin to fall due to some disease or due to dandruff. Stress is also related with hair-fall, and so is advancing age. In fact, the biggest worry of people as they
age is that they will lose their beautiful hair. The following methods can take care of hair fall problems:-
1. Soak some amalaki (Indian gooseberries) powder in water overnight. In the morning, this powder will have softened. Press the soft powder in the water so that all the
juices are exuded into it. Then add the juice of a lemon in the water. This is a very vitamin C rich solution. Wash your hair with this solution. Apply a lot of pressure,
and apply the solution just as you do with a shampoo. This will not only stop the hair fall; it will also bring a lively sheen to the hair.
2. If the hair fall is a persistent problem, do not despair. Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a bowl and add a part of the root of a banyan tree into it. Use this to wash
the hair. When the bath is over, apply coconut oil on the scalp. Regular use of this therapy for a few days will solve the problem of hair fall.
(2) Treatment for Dull Hair
Ayurveda has methods to provide dull hair with a lustrous and bouncy shine. The best of these methods are given below:-
1. Prepare a mixture of one kilo of amalaki juice, one kilo of pure ghee and quarter kilo of licorice. Cook these on a slow fire. When the liquid component dries up - but
not the ghee - stop cooking and filter the contents into a bottle. Use this on the hair as you would use a conditioner. Your hair will get back its natural color and shine,
without any side-effects.
2. Prepare a fine ground powder of Lauha choorna, Triphala and black soil. Put this mixture in sugarcane juice and let it age for a month. When the month is done, use this
mixture as a paste to apply on the hair. Within a few days the hair will regain its color. This method works very well with hair that is getting discolored with age.
3. Exude the paste of amalaki, neem and henna in milk and apply it on the hair. Let is remain overnight. Wash the hair in the morning. Repeat this therapy for a week. The
hair will get its color back, along with a great deal of softness.
(3) Treatment for Dandruff
Dandruff is the dead skin cells that are produced on the scalp. Due to vata dosha vitiation, this skin can be given out in a profuse quantity. When this happens, the dead
cells dot the hair. This is what is commonly known as dandruff. Dandruff needs to be cured immediately since it can damage the hair completely and cause hair fall. Also,
dandruff is considered to be a very embarrassing condition.
1. Mix some camphor in coconut oil. Use this oil for daily application on the scalp. The application should be done nicely, with the fingertips working at the hair roots in
the scalp. The problem of dandruff will be solved in about fifteen days.
2. Apply lemon juice sweetened with sugar on the scalp. Then expose the hair to the sun's heat for five to six hours. When this is done, wash the hair with soap. This is a
difficult but definite method to solve the dandruff problem.
3. Prepare a mixture of lemon juice in coconut oil. Apply this mixture on the hair and massage it deep into the scalp. Do this regularly for a few days. It will reduce the
dandruff and make the hair glossier.
the person is healthy; while discolored, dull hair with split or weak ends indicate an internal disorder with the body. Hair itself is made of a protein called as keratin.
It grows from pockets within the scalp of the head, known as follicles.
Though hair is a non-living part of the human body (at least because it has no nerves in it), it needs to be taken great care of. We already know how much care people are
already taking of their hair. Even if you put your television on for half an hour, chances are that you will come across ten advertisements flaunting their hair-care
products. But do these products really work?
In this article, some Ayurvedic herbal techniques of hair care are explained. The common problems with hair are falling hair, dull hair and dandruff. Let us see some simple
methods of treating these problems.
Vitamin C is considered to be the best nutrient for the health of hair. That is why the best herb for hair is the Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), which is
traditionally known as amalaki. Almost all Ayurvedic therapies for solving hair problems use amalaki in some form or the other.
(1) Treatments for Falling Hair
Hair may begin to fall due to some disease or due to dandruff. Stress is also related with hair-fall, and so is advancing age. In fact, the biggest worry of people as they
age is that they will lose their beautiful hair. The following methods can take care of hair fall problems:-
1. Soak some amalaki (Indian gooseberries) powder in water overnight. In the morning, this powder will have softened. Press the soft powder in the water so that all the
juices are exuded into it. Then add the juice of a lemon in the water. This is a very vitamin C rich solution. Wash your hair with this solution. Apply a lot of pressure,
and apply the solution just as you do with a shampoo. This will not only stop the hair fall; it will also bring a lively sheen to the hair.
2. If the hair fall is a persistent problem, do not despair. Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a bowl and add a part of the root of a banyan tree into it. Use this to wash
the hair. When the bath is over, apply coconut oil on the scalp. Regular use of this therapy for a few days will solve the problem of hair fall.
(2) Treatment for Dull Hair
Ayurveda has methods to provide dull hair with a lustrous and bouncy shine. The best of these methods are given below:-
1. Prepare a mixture of one kilo of amalaki juice, one kilo of pure ghee and quarter kilo of licorice. Cook these on a slow fire. When the liquid component dries up - but
not the ghee - stop cooking and filter the contents into a bottle. Use this on the hair as you would use a conditioner. Your hair will get back its natural color and shine,
without any side-effects.
2. Prepare a fine ground powder of Lauha choorna, Triphala and black soil. Put this mixture in sugarcane juice and let it age for a month. When the month is done, use this
mixture as a paste to apply on the hair. Within a few days the hair will regain its color. This method works very well with hair that is getting discolored with age.
3. Exude the paste of amalaki, neem and henna in milk and apply it on the hair. Let is remain overnight. Wash the hair in the morning. Repeat this therapy for a week. The
hair will get its color back, along with a great deal of softness.
(3) Treatment for Dandruff
Dandruff is the dead skin cells that are produced on the scalp. Due to vata dosha vitiation, this skin can be given out in a profuse quantity. When this happens, the dead
cells dot the hair. This is what is commonly known as dandruff. Dandruff needs to be cured immediately since it can damage the hair completely and cause hair fall. Also,
dandruff is considered to be a very embarrassing condition.
1. Mix some camphor in coconut oil. Use this oil for daily application on the scalp. The application should be done nicely, with the fingertips working at the hair roots in
the scalp. The problem of dandruff will be solved in about fifteen days.
2. Apply lemon juice sweetened with sugar on the scalp. Then expose the hair to the sun's heat for five to six hours. When this is done, wash the hair with soap. This is a
difficult but definite method to solve the dandruff problem.
3. Prepare a mixture of lemon juice in coconut oil. Apply this mixture on the hair and massage it deep into the scalp. Do this regularly for a few days. It will reduce the
dandruff and make the hair glossier.
laser comb,
laser comb treatment,
thinning hair
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Black Men's Hair Care
Black men's hair tends to be dryer and more brittle than most other types. Hair care for black men is a must! A lot of stress is added to the hair with combing, chemicals,
heavy weaves, braids and extensions. Though having a great style is nice, getting your hair prepared before hand will prevent you from losing it in the future. Black men's
hair care is as important as getting the perfect hair cut.
For black men, vitamins and moisturizers is key to healthy hair. Lack of vitamins can cause slow growing, dull hair and hair that is easily broken or damaged and can
sometimes cause thinning. Whether you have healthy or unhealthy hair, keeping a daily hair care regimen will let you get the best look with your hair and also keep your
hair healthy and on your head instead of going bald.
Black men have different types of hair, dry hair, oily hair, damaged hair and so on. Treating your hair accordingly with the right shampoo and conditioner will help you
hair return to its healthy state. While there are few products made for black men's hair, these products can be very beneficial and there are also natural hair care
treatments that can be used by all men.
With the right hair care, you can achieve the hair style you want with ease and without having to worry about the after math. So where can black men find information, tips
and advice on hair care?
It's normal if you're not sure where to start in hair care for men, that's why online you can find lots of resources for men on grooming and more specifically hair care.
Get the advice and tips you need to start treating your hair right and getting the best look you deserve.
heavy weaves, braids and extensions. Though having a great style is nice, getting your hair prepared before hand will prevent you from losing it in the future. Black men's
hair care is as important as getting the perfect hair cut.
For black men, vitamins and moisturizers is key to healthy hair. Lack of vitamins can cause slow growing, dull hair and hair that is easily broken or damaged and can
sometimes cause thinning. Whether you have healthy or unhealthy hair, keeping a daily hair care regimen will let you get the best look with your hair and also keep your
hair healthy and on your head instead of going bald.
Black men have different types of hair, dry hair, oily hair, damaged hair and so on. Treating your hair accordingly with the right shampoo and conditioner will help you
hair return to its healthy state. While there are few products made for black men's hair, these products can be very beneficial and there are also natural hair care
treatments that can be used by all men.
With the right hair care, you can achieve the hair style you want with ease and without having to worry about the after math. So where can black men find information, tips
and advice on hair care?
It's normal if you're not sure where to start in hair care for men, that's why online you can find lots of resources for men on grooming and more specifically hair care.
Get the advice and tips you need to start treating your hair right and getting the best look you deserve.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Natural Hair Care Products
The effectiveness of modern, natural hair care products is known to all, because they are very effective in reducing hair loss and enhancing hair beauty. They are also
perceived as being free from side effects and may deliver additional health benefits.
Balanced diets rich in vitamins and minerals are a must for hair health. In this regard, natural products are receiving increased recognition after years of neglect.
Natural hair care products have become popular for both external and internal use. Besides, they have less chance of causing over-treatment and they rarely over-dry or
over-condition your hair.
Using the right hair care and beauty products is essential for the look and health of your hair. But, the problem with natural hair care products is that you may find it
difficult to choose one that is appropriate for you and your hair. Most of the products available in the market today, bear a "Natural" label, whether genuine or fake
making it harder to find a good natural hair care product.
Four types of products make a medley of hair care items. The four basic natural hair care products are: hair cleansing products, hair conditioners hair remedies and hair
nutrition products.
What Are Natural Hair Care Products?
Not all natural hair care products all natural. Products available in salons and over store counters are never 100% natural, because, for better results and preservation
issues, they need to contain a certain amount of synthetic ingredients. The synthetic products can also provide better foaming, cleaning and emulsifying than 100% natural
products. However, you can prepare some home made hair care products that are absolutely natural.
You might have come across some organic hair growth products and equaled that with natural hair growth products. However, they are different. Organic does not mean natural.
You can prepare organic products synthetically and those products are not always safe, gentle and effective.
Some Natural Hair Care Products
Nettle Root Extract: It is rich in vitamins A and C, it is used as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase.
Saw Palmetto Extract: It is an effective anti-androgen and fights benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT. That's why it is good for the people in androgenetic
perceived as being free from side effects and may deliver additional health benefits.
Balanced diets rich in vitamins and minerals are a must for hair health. In this regard, natural products are receiving increased recognition after years of neglect.
Natural hair care products have become popular for both external and internal use. Besides, they have less chance of causing over-treatment and they rarely over-dry or
over-condition your hair.
Using the right hair care and beauty products is essential for the look and health of your hair. But, the problem with natural hair care products is that you may find it
difficult to choose one that is appropriate for you and your hair. Most of the products available in the market today, bear a "Natural" label, whether genuine or fake
making it harder to find a good natural hair care product.
Four types of products make a medley of hair care items. The four basic natural hair care products are: hair cleansing products, hair conditioners hair remedies and hair
nutrition products.
What Are Natural Hair Care Products?
Not all natural hair care products all natural. Products available in salons and over store counters are never 100% natural, because, for better results and preservation
issues, they need to contain a certain amount of synthetic ingredients. The synthetic products can also provide better foaming, cleaning and emulsifying than 100% natural
products. However, you can prepare some home made hair care products that are absolutely natural.
You might have come across some organic hair growth products and equaled that with natural hair growth products. However, they are different. Organic does not mean natural.
You can prepare organic products synthetically and those products are not always safe, gentle and effective.
Some Natural Hair Care Products
Nettle Root Extract: It is rich in vitamins A and C, it is used as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase.
Saw Palmetto Extract: It is an effective anti-androgen and fights benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT. That's why it is good for the people in androgenetic
Friday, August 3, 2012
The Truth About Hair Care Products And Caring For Your Hair
If you are experiencing a hair loss problem a basic understanding of hair care products and their uses will help you to choose products suitable for your needs. There are
thousands of hair care products currently available on the market today. These products fall into four basic categories: cleaning, conditioning, coloring and styling.
Understanding how to care for your hair properly is important especially when you are suffering from hair loss, for both medical and cosmetic reasons. Not only does your
hair and scalp become coated with dirt and dust, but naturally occurring oily sebum and dandruff, as well as cosmetics such as hair sprays, combine to hold all this debris
together. To remove this mixture some type of soap or detergent is necessary.
All shampoos work in much the same way. Both soaps and detergents are alkaline. They both cause the hair shaft to absorb water. The cortex swells, the cuticle scales open,
the hair becomes very flexible, so that oil and dirt can be washed away. Their are many different hair types so frequency of shampooing will be different for each person.
Some people wash their hair every day. Others shampoo only once a week. Frequent shampooing with a gentle shampoo will not damage hair, nor will it cause it to fall out.
The second step after shampooing is conditioning. Conditioners have two main purposes, neutralizing static electricity and restoring the hair's protective oily coating.
Conditioners help to protect the hair from the removal of too much of hair's natural oil by exposure to sun, wind, water or other shampoos.
Colorings for the hair may be either temporary rinses or they may be semi-permanent dyes. Rinses deposit pigments to the cuticle of the hair that last until the pigment is
washed away during cleansing. Dyes penetrate the hair shaft, and generally remain as part of the hair until the dyed strands are replaced with new growth. Hair coloring may
be damaging to the hair, especially when bleach or peroxides are used in the coloring process.
Hair styling is usually achieved in one of three ways. Styling may be accomplished by temporary methods such as arranging wet hair with a comb or brush, perhaps spraying
the style with hair spray and drying the hair with heated air. Rolling the hair on curlers to achieve body and curl, then drying it is also temporary. Permanent waiving is
a more long lasting method. It involves a rearrangement of permanent chemical bonds in hair fibers, but it also involves the use of harsh chemicals, which may damage the
hair shaft.
Even with the overabundance of hair care products available, the best advice is still to leave hair alone as much as possible. Hair should be kept clean, of course, but the
shampoo should be gentle. Blow drying should be accomplished using the least amount of possible heat. Hair coloring or styling products providing temporary results and will
be much kinder to your hair than the more permanent varieties. Careful combing and brushing will also prevent damage to the hair. Understanding how to care for your hair
properly is the first step to hair loss prevention.
Healthy hair is easy to attain and to maintain if care is given to the body's general nutrition, and caution is used in choosing both methods and products to care for the
thousands of hair care products currently available on the market today. These products fall into four basic categories: cleaning, conditioning, coloring and styling.
Understanding how to care for your hair properly is important especially when you are suffering from hair loss, for both medical and cosmetic reasons. Not only does your
hair and scalp become coated with dirt and dust, but naturally occurring oily sebum and dandruff, as well as cosmetics such as hair sprays, combine to hold all this debris
together. To remove this mixture some type of soap or detergent is necessary.
All shampoos work in much the same way. Both soaps and detergents are alkaline. They both cause the hair shaft to absorb water. The cortex swells, the cuticle scales open,
the hair becomes very flexible, so that oil and dirt can be washed away. Their are many different hair types so frequency of shampooing will be different for each person.
Some people wash their hair every day. Others shampoo only once a week. Frequent shampooing with a gentle shampoo will not damage hair, nor will it cause it to fall out.
The second step after shampooing is conditioning. Conditioners have two main purposes, neutralizing static electricity and restoring the hair's protective oily coating.
Conditioners help to protect the hair from the removal of too much of hair's natural oil by exposure to sun, wind, water or other shampoos.
Colorings for the hair may be either temporary rinses or they may be semi-permanent dyes. Rinses deposit pigments to the cuticle of the hair that last until the pigment is
washed away during cleansing. Dyes penetrate the hair shaft, and generally remain as part of the hair until the dyed strands are replaced with new growth. Hair coloring may
be damaging to the hair, especially when bleach or peroxides are used in the coloring process.
Hair styling is usually achieved in one of three ways. Styling may be accomplished by temporary methods such as arranging wet hair with a comb or brush, perhaps spraying
the style with hair spray and drying the hair with heated air. Rolling the hair on curlers to achieve body and curl, then drying it is also temporary. Permanent waiving is
a more long lasting method. It involves a rearrangement of permanent chemical bonds in hair fibers, but it also involves the use of harsh chemicals, which may damage the
hair shaft.
Even with the overabundance of hair care products available, the best advice is still to leave hair alone as much as possible. Hair should be kept clean, of course, but the
shampoo should be gentle. Blow drying should be accomplished using the least amount of possible heat. Hair coloring or styling products providing temporary results and will
be much kinder to your hair than the more permanent varieties. Careful combing and brushing will also prevent damage to the hair. Understanding how to care for your hair
properly is the first step to hair loss prevention.
Healthy hair is easy to attain and to maintain if care is given to the body's general nutrition, and caution is used in choosing both methods and products to care for the
laser comb,
laser comb treatment,
thinning hair
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Hair Care For Different Hair Types
Your hair, much like your skin, can say a lot about your health. Most of us have complaints about our hair. Despite the problems, we choose to ignore it or give minimum
importance to the same. As we ignore the hair problems, it increases and turns into a nightmare. We choose to live with the hair problems as most of us do not know about
the therapies and treatments needed to cure it.
Factors affecting hair
a. Diet and health
b. Hereditary/genes also determine the hair colour and density
c. Chemical and drug reactions
d. Hormonal changes
e. Emotional stress and trauma
The first step to do away with hair problems is to identify your hair type. Often, a simple modification in our hair care regime can go a long way in getting rid of any
complaint we have. Today, there are a wide range of products available in the market catering specifically to one's hair type. A commonly asked question is 'How do I know
what my hair type is?' This article will attempt to answer some basic hair questions.
These are some of the regUlar hair types. We should try to identify which one is ours.
Normal Hair
Normal hair is shiny, non-greasy and easy to manage.
Oily Hair
Oily hair feels greasy even a short while after shampoo. It feels as if a conditioner has been applied to such hair and it sometimes looks flat. Very oily hair might slide
out of the follicle early. Oily hair goes with oily skin. The scalp has a tendency to secrete excess oil, which makes it lank and greasy. It is therefore important to keep
the scalp clean.
A hair care regime for oily hair would aim at removing excess oil and exfoliating the skin cells, which clog up and suffocate the hair follicles in the scalp. The emphasis
is on cleansing and toning. Cleansing involves washing and rinsing the hair. It is also essential to rinse the shampoo off thoroughly with cold water after washing with
warm water.
Dry hair
Dry hair is difficult to control after shampooing, it looks thin and rough, it is susceptible to tangles and has ends that are dry and split. It has a non-slippery feel and
does not slide through your fingers. This doesn't necessarily go along with a dry scalp. However, if your scalp is dry, you may develop dandruff and your hair may become
thin if the dandruff is not treated.
The main cause of dry hair is lack of sebum in the scalp, which makes the hair coarse and brittle and susceptible to damage. Poor nutrition, exposure to the sun and over
use of heated appliances can also rob the hair of valuable moisture. Brushing and combing will help to stimulate the scalp and distribute existing oils to the brittle ends.
The aim of a hair care regime for dry hair is to replenish oil and moisture in the hair. So, the emphasis is on conditioning. Frequent shampooing should be avoided.
A generous oil application the night before washing your hair is recommended, as this will condition the hair and scalp and stimulate the oil glands and circulation flow as
well. If your hair is very dry and damaged, apply a hydrating mask once a week. Avoid vigorous drying with a towel after washing your hair, as this will remove essential
moisture. Instead gently squeeze excess water from the hair and blot dry with a towel.
Characteristics of healthy hair
You know that you have healthy hair if you find that it is:
1. Thick and dense
2. Fine and silky, which means not too oily or rough
3. Lustre-filled, having shine and gloss
4. Pliable, capable of setting and styling
5. Full-bodied and not limp or lank
importance to the same. As we ignore the hair problems, it increases and turns into a nightmare. We choose to live with the hair problems as most of us do not know about
the therapies and treatments needed to cure it.
Factors affecting hair
a. Diet and health
b. Hereditary/genes also determine the hair colour and density
c. Chemical and drug reactions
d. Hormonal changes
e. Emotional stress and trauma
The first step to do away with hair problems is to identify your hair type. Often, a simple modification in our hair care regime can go a long way in getting rid of any
complaint we have. Today, there are a wide range of products available in the market catering specifically to one's hair type. A commonly asked question is 'How do I know
what my hair type is?' This article will attempt to answer some basic hair questions.
These are some of the regUlar hair types. We should try to identify which one is ours.
Normal Hair
Normal hair is shiny, non-greasy and easy to manage.
Oily Hair
Oily hair feels greasy even a short while after shampoo. It feels as if a conditioner has been applied to such hair and it sometimes looks flat. Very oily hair might slide
out of the follicle early. Oily hair goes with oily skin. The scalp has a tendency to secrete excess oil, which makes it lank and greasy. It is therefore important to keep
the scalp clean.
A hair care regime for oily hair would aim at removing excess oil and exfoliating the skin cells, which clog up and suffocate the hair follicles in the scalp. The emphasis
is on cleansing and toning. Cleansing involves washing and rinsing the hair. It is also essential to rinse the shampoo off thoroughly with cold water after washing with
warm water.
Dry hair
Dry hair is difficult to control after shampooing, it looks thin and rough, it is susceptible to tangles and has ends that are dry and split. It has a non-slippery feel and
does not slide through your fingers. This doesn't necessarily go along with a dry scalp. However, if your scalp is dry, you may develop dandruff and your hair may become
thin if the dandruff is not treated.
The main cause of dry hair is lack of sebum in the scalp, which makes the hair coarse and brittle and susceptible to damage. Poor nutrition, exposure to the sun and over
use of heated appliances can also rob the hair of valuable moisture. Brushing and combing will help to stimulate the scalp and distribute existing oils to the brittle ends.
The aim of a hair care regime for dry hair is to replenish oil and moisture in the hair. So, the emphasis is on conditioning. Frequent shampooing should be avoided.
A generous oil application the night before washing your hair is recommended, as this will condition the hair and scalp and stimulate the oil glands and circulation flow as
well. If your hair is very dry and damaged, apply a hydrating mask once a week. Avoid vigorous drying with a towel after washing your hair, as this will remove essential
moisture. Instead gently squeeze excess water from the hair and blot dry with a towel.
Characteristics of healthy hair
You know that you have healthy hair if you find that it is:
1. Thick and dense
2. Fine and silky, which means not too oily or rough
3. Lustre-filled, having shine and gloss
4. Pliable, capable of setting and styling
5. Full-bodied and not limp or lank
laser comb,
laser comb treatment,
leimo laser comb,
thinning hair
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