This usually begins with hair fall, in huge clumps that is. Beyond the normal adaptation of the body, hair fall of approximately 100 to 150 strands a day, doubles or even triples in cases of acute alopecia or hair loss. Hair transition will evidently exhibit head of hair that is less dense as it had been for the prior years.
In men, hair loss starts out as hair thinning at the temporal area, similarly referred to as receding hairline. Hair transition from this state shall progress to a more attention drawing case in the presence of a bald patch at the crown or top-rear of the head. This case, as the Norwood/Hamilton Scale of Hair Loss will be rated as grade III Vertex; the higher the grade, the greater the extent of hair loss or baldness. Should this be left untreated, chance of extensive denudation or will be inevitable.
With the greater extent of hair loss, possibilities of a more overwhelming self-degradation and low self confidence are likely. As emphasized on varying researches, balding is directly correlated with certain psychological issues as low self-esteem ad helplessness; making the situation far worse than is. Besides psychological crisis that are surely to arise. Based on current researches, incidence of myocardial infarction or heart attack has significantly risen, making hair loss sufferers at a higher level of risk.
Meanwhile in women’s case, hair thinning and balding are usually diffused to indefinite areas of confinement on the scalp and a distinct grading system is available in the name of Ludwig Scale of Hair Loss. Stage I in women’s hair loss process is the beginning of all, and at this phase the process is still unnoticeable as it is widely spread out over the head. In more severe cases, balding will be seen as a more evident thinning, and scalp will be seen through especially at the crown area. Women’s hair loss is correspondingly as offensive as in men to the sufferers.
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