Although most of the time hair loss stems from some internal issues of the body and it is generally associated with poor lifestyle and vitamin deficiency which further lead to several other health issues as well. There are various causes given by the patient, doctors and the experts. Causes of hair loss are myriad but it is nutrient deficiency that is a major cause and can be easily addressed.
Our stomach stores food which gives us nutrition and energy to stay active and healthy. Food is the only one permanent supplement for our body which supplies nutrition to each and every part of our body, even the hairs and the nails. Nutrition can be obtained through many forms, the foremost means of which is through vitamins.
Vitamins A, B, C, and D have their own way to fulfill the requirement of the body and specialize to give strength to the other body parts. And if we are not having quality foods, then it will affect our stomach first then the other parts of body, and hair is one of the weak parts of the human body through which the effects of nutrient deficiency can be made easily visible. Lacking vitamin intake is considered to be a major cause of hair loss because it makes the hair roots weak and fragile.
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